miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2008

Dragonforce - Inhuman Rampage

Este album de este gran grupo ya esta disponible en mi blog para que lo prueben... podemos destacar el temaso principal "Through the fire and flames".


1."Through the Fire and Flames" - 7:21
2."Revolution Deathsquad" (Music & Lyrics: Totman) - 7:52
3."Storming the Burning Fields" (Music & Lyrics: Pruzhanov) - 5:19
4."Operation Ground and Pound" – 7:44
5."Body Breakdown" (Music: Pruzhanov, Lyrics: Pruzhanov, Li, Totman) - 6:58
6."Cry for Eternity" (Music & Lyrics: Totman) - 8:12
7."The Flame of Youth" (Music & Lyrics: Li) - 6:41
8."Trail of Broken Hearts" (Music: Pruzhanov, Lyrics: Pruzhanov, Totman, Theart) - 5:57


sin contraseña. Ojala si roben los links denme algo de credito onda Por Insight.


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